Monday, February 14, 2011

How Many Snow Chains You Need

Valentine's Day: the day of love, or Day of the jewelers and florists?

Hallöchen lovelies,

first I wish you all a wonderful Valentine's Day! =)

How have you spent this day? With your family, close friends or your partner? Do you do you at all what the "day of love" or is it for you only a day of jewelers and florists?

Today I have a little Valentine's AMU made up and I would not deny you;)

I will wear the AMU but not tonight because I have anything suitable in the closet! : D

Do you have your partner a present, or after being the gifted?

I have for my darling just a little gift: Homemade blueberry muffins and Merci.

I've already tried a muffin and it was delicious!
Beautiful fluffy, juicy and delicious totaaaal!

If you want to have the recipe, give me your decision in the comments! =)

So, I'll then make quick ready times, that I will later be collected. I'm curious what is planned for today, my romantic! =)

I wish you a nice evening, dear ones.

LG, your Fashmetik ♥


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